Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh


Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh

Year of birth



Belgium - Sanctions List




Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh

Ahmed Ali Abdullah Al-ahmar

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Additional Information

Remarks: (Date of UN designation: 2015-04-14)\n(Designation details: Date of UN designation: 14.4.2015.)\n(Ahmed Saleh is the son of the former President of the Republic of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh.)

Regulation: 2017/628 (OJ L90)

Registry number: 06070777 (passport-National passport) (name on doc. 'Ahmed Ali Abdullah Al-Ahmar') (on 2014-12-03)

02117777 (passport-National passport) (name on doc. 'Ahmed Ali Abdullah Al-Ahmar') (on 2005-11-08)

31/2013/20/003140 (other-Other identification number) (name on doc. 'Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh') (issued by Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 2013-07-07 diplomatic)[revoked by issuer](Diplomatic identity card, \ncurrent status: cancelled)

17979 (passport-National passport) (name on doc. 'Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh')(referred to in the diplomatic identity card No: 31/2013/20/003140)

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