Igor Nikoalevich Beregovoy


Igor Nikoalevich Beregovoy

Year of birth


Additional Information

Regime: Russia

(UK Sanctions List Ref):RUS0080. Financial sanctions imposed in addition to an asset freeze: Trust services. Date trust services sanctions imposed: 21/03/2023. (UK Statement of Reasons):One of the former leaders of self-proclaimed militia of Horlivka. He took control of the Security Service of Ukraine's Office in Donetsk region building and afterwards seized the Ministry of Internal Affairs' district station in the town of Horlivka. He has links to Igor Strelkov/Girkin under whose command he was involved in the murder of Peoples' Deputy of the Horlivka's Municipal Council Volodymyr Rybak. Remains active in supporting separatist actions or policies. (Gender):Male

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