Jsc Tula Cartridge Plant, Jsc Tcp
Year of birth
Additional Information
Marata St., 47-b, 300004, Russian Federation
Other information:
Type of entity: Joint Stock Company
Place of registration: Russian Federation
Registration number: 1027100507268
Principal place of business: Russian Federation, Tula
JSC Tula Cartridge Plant is a Russian enterprise that produces and distributes cartridges for use in various types of weapons used by the Russian Armed Forces. The plant is a leading supplier of ammunition for the Russian law enforcement agencies, including the National Guard and the Ministry of the Interior. JSC Tula Cartridge Plant offers a wide range of cartridges of various caliber used by the Russian Armed Forces. The plant operates in a strategically important sector of the military industry and its activities directly enhance the Russian military’s fighting capabilities.
JSC Tula Cartridge Plant is supporting materially actions which undermine and threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.