Natalia Vladimirovna Protosovitskaia


Natalia Vladimirovna Protosovitskaia


Switzerland - Sanctions List




Natalia Vladimirovna Protosovitskaia

Additional Information


Суд Октябрьского района г. Минска, ул. Семашко, 33, 220027

Other information:

Travel ban according to article 3 paragraph 1 and financial sanctions according to article 1 do not apply until 15 March 2016.


Judge at the Oktiabrski Rayon Court of Minsk. She was directly involved in the judicial repression of peaceful demonstrators on 19 Dec 2010. On 20 Dec 2010, she sentenced civil society activists Siarhei Sheuchenka, Katsiaryna Sliadzeuskaya and Aliaksandra Chemisava to 10 days in jail, and Yauhen Mironau, Ihar Matsuta, Illya Laptseu, Mikhail Korzun and Vital Murashkevich to 15 days in jail. On 13 Jan 2011, she sentenced the prominent journalist Andrei Pochobut to 15 days in jail. On 31 Oct 2011, she sentenced the activist Volha Bandarenka to 10 ays in jail. On 26 Mar 2013, she sentenced the activist Ihar Simirou to 10 days in jail. Her way of conducting the trials was a clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure. She sustained the use of evidence and testimonies irrelevant to the accused.

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